• The Connotation Dichotomy

    Connotation is the meaning of a word beyond its definition. Different words referring to a single concept may communicate unique implications respectively thereof, usually with emotionally positive or negative correlation. Some connotations are related to the etymological origins of a word, but most are the result of usage patterns, and are a symptom of a…

  • Called Toward Mentoring

    There are two sides to mentorship, and while the role of the mentor is itself worth examination, the role of the one ostensibly being mentored is often overlooked. 1 Peter 5:1-5 charges both elders and youth with respective obligations toward each other, establishing a sharing of responsibility within their relationship. I was reminded of this…

  • God’s Sufficient Word

    True sovereignty cannot be divided between multiple, individually distinct sources. No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. (Matthew 6:24a) The dissemination of authority may branch out in various forms, but such stewards will…

  • Melting Pot Patriotism

    Patriotism is a complicated subject. Perhaps you have a settled understanding in your mind of the concept, but ask someone else and you may be surprised at the differing considerations. Some have told me it is a valuation of country that supersedes other priorities; others have insinuated that it concerns the people of the country…

  • Discerning Truth Unchanging

    It is said that change is inevitable, and common experience would seem to validate this observation. Yet if you are to remain secure in your identity, it must be founded upon a standard of unchanging principles. These are your most fundamental beliefs, the foundation of your worldview, the things which you know to be true…

  • Imminent Identity Crisis

    Identity: what defines you as an individual, or more practically speaking, what you believe defines you as an individual. Everything you believe to be true about yourself contributes to your sense of identity, directly or indirectly, real or misperceived. You may value certain aspects more than others, which in itself is relevant, but even unacknowledged…