An Unconditional Gratitude
Thanksgiving, among the most unambiguously labeled holidays, serves as a time of reflection upon the blessings granted unto us of God. While most focus on the family aspect, it finds its origins in more general community, initially being a commemoration of successful harvests shared amongst the populace. For the pilgrims of the colonial era, it…
Thomas the Scientist
Science isn’t what most people seem to think it is, based upon the elevated authority the word carries in modern argument. Even those more aware of its proper jurisdiction probably wouldn’t connect it with Thomas Didymus, one of the twelve specially chosen disciples of Christ. Yet there is a very clear correlation between the two…
Just Read It
If I should be privileged to offer a single piece of advice to mankind – realistically expressed intermittently on an individual basis – then the first and foremost principle I might present would be to engage seriously and consistently with the Word of God. As God’s most direct revelation of Himself, Scripture is an objectively…
Come What May
American elections are on the horizon. This particular round is predicted to be among the most consequential of all time; on the other hand, the previous presidential election was similarly characterized, as were the past several before that. While not technically an inaccurate assessment in any of those instances, the implication of emphasis elevates the…
Holidays in Conflict
Many so called “holidays” currently recognized throughout the word would be more properly denoted as “days of remembrance,” lacking the religious connotation that the standard term implies. Indeed, even special days with historically holy significance are often celebrated without respect thereto in the modern day, whereas they must yet call to memory by their very…
An Impending Obscurity
In the current time, a majority of the world’s population is aware of Mario (I don’t have the statistics, and wouldn’t be likely to trust them if I did, but I am willing to risk being wrong for the sake of this discussion). When the character debuted in 1981, it was officially known as “Jumpman,”…