“Small talk” is often used as a means of initiating conversation and sustaining interaction. While the term is often used exclusively in reference to talk of the weather, it is more technically described as “safe” conversation. Topics with minimal variables and less subjective interpretation ensure little to no personal investment. By sticking to less personal subjects, we protect against potential disagreement and avoid controversy.
There seems to be a fear of sharing our experiences and perceptions with each other. All of us learn through encounters with events and information, internally processed in accordance with our worldview and subsequently applied to our lifestyle. Yet often we are loath to explain our understanding to each other. Either in fear of judgement or contradiction, by reason of pride and arrogance, we are contented with our own ability to comprehend.
Ultimately this tendency has detrimental effects. Not only are our relationships less meaningful, but we also fail to benefit from each other’s experiences. Every individual is blessed with unique perspective according to God’s plan, part of which involves learning from and imparting wisdom to others. The entirety of Proverbs is dedicated to this idea of sharing the lessons of life, as stated at its beginning; The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; (1:1-3). By failing to engage in this responsibility, we handicap ourselves in our learning and blessing.
At the same time, this task is to be done with co-equal edification in mind. Beware the pretense of passing judgement under the guise of instruction. Rather than seeking to edify in love, we may become arrogant in our speech, failing to respect each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Remember that God is the one to works in a person’s heart, and that each person is taught by Him according to His purpose. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. – 1 Corinthians 12:26
Be open! TTT