• Risk in Story

    Story has always been an integral part of the world’s entertainment. All forms of art are at least capable of relating the progressive series of events that defines this concept, whether performance, music or portrait. Even artistic productions supposedly without direct intention nonetheless imply the story of their inspiration. We are enamored with these things…

  • Seeking Church Fellowship

    Hebrews 10:24-25 – And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Combined with the various texts describing Church fellowship, the above passage…

  • Convicted of Truth

    Perhaps you’re not a Christian. You may know about God, but feel unprepared to commit yourself to Him. Maybe your perception of God precludes meaningful involvement (e.g. “God doesn’t care about me” or “God doesn’t deserve my respect”). Or you might not believe God exists at all. Whatever your position, I do not purport to…

  • Why I Am

    From my earliest memories, I have known God’s existence. I didn’t just believe it; the possibility of an alternative truth was beyond comprehension. God’s existence was the foundation of my epistemology, and by His gracious will that has never changed. This does not mean, however, that I’ve never experienced a “crisis of faith;” there is…

  • Giving a Reason

    As a Christian, what is your testimony? Is it a story—the account of what and who you were before, how Christ made Himself known to you, and what it was like when you accepted His gift of redemption? Is it an explanation—a theological justification of God’s existence and character, with evidences from His work in…

  • To Value Love

    Last week someone told me about “Ice Cream for Breakfast” day. It seems every day of the year has been commandeered for some special event or focus, though most of them fall through the cracks and fail to receive any noteworthy attention. Some may consider this unsurprising, but I sometimes wonder why we simultaneously accept…